Friday, June 27, 2008

Why blog?

I have recently been reading some of my friends blogs. While reading them I have often thought: should I blog? I am not great with words and am not a computer wiz. So why bother? Well.... I am the mom of two girls Emma 41/2 and Erin 23mo. I feel like my girls have taught me a lot that I can offer to other moms and its a great way for me to express myself. Lets face it, being a mom is amazing but hard. I love to chat about those amazing time with Em and Erin. But, its those hard time who shape me and make me the mom I am. I hope that this blog is a place where I can share those things and other moms will feel somehow relieved. Relieved that they are not the only one on the planet going through difficult situations. I also hope to share a bit of Em and Erin humor as well. Enjoy!

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