Saturday, July 12, 2008

She's getting big

The other day we (Em, Erin, Ben and I ) we in the backyard of our new house. Ben and I were doing yard work and the girls were playing in the sand box. Emma noticed that the girl next door was out on her swing set. Em just stopped and watched her for a bit. Eventually Abby (the girl next door) came to the fence. She is about three years older than Em. They chatted through the fence and eventually Abby asked Em to come over to her yard and play. Em came running over very excited and said "mommy can I play in that girls yard". Of course they played for hours. I sat on the steps of our deck for quite a bit watching Em play with Abby. There were a few times where I felt choked up, as if I were going to cry. This was the first time Em was asked by another kid to play, with out my involvement. No, my kid is not a loser without friends. But, if I really think about it I schedule her life. I set up play dates for her, usually with moms that are good friends of mine. She often plays with her cousin and sister or people we know from church. She is starting to meet other kids in our neighborhood and I don't have to help her. I don't think I am ready for this.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Soooo, we (Ben and I) thought that it would be a great idea to take our girls to camp. Let me start off by saying that Erin is 23mo and Emma is 41/2. We had a great time! Emma loved being a camper. She was able to go fishing, play games, archery, canoing, and so much more. I think that she had the time of her life. Erin also love it. She spent most of her time with Ben in the hiking pack traversing the woods.
Everything went so well that I had very high hopes for the day we had to leave. Little did I know that extraction from camp and the next 24hours would be very hard for a 4 year old. There is nothing like leaving camp with a precious little girl screaming her head off as you drive off down the dirt path. I had my head down the whole way down the road. As if people might forget that the silver Honda that was parked in front of camp the whole time belonged to me. I suddenly became invisible. Well, we made it home alive.
So, on to the next day. A sleep deprived over stimulated 4 year old does not make for a fabulous day. The day was filled will yelling, crying and tantrums (I am sure my tantrums were far worse than Em's). I now know that we have transition issues :)
Sometimes I wish kids came with labels. This way we could all be very prepared. For example Em's might say: "Warning this child does not transition well. Transition at your own risk". Mine would say: "warning this mother does not function with out chocolate. Must feed chocolate once every 24 hours for best results". Think of all the ingenious label that there could be. Another example, a child with allergies: "Warning this child will explode if given milk. Stand at least 10 feet away if lactose was consumed." I feel as if this would make child rearing a bit easier.
So what have a I learned from all this???? I am not sure but I will be looking into ways to transition better. Any suggestions?